Getting there
by car
The fastest way to reach us is the ´Brennerautobahn‘ (motorway of the Brenner Pass Brennero – Modena). Take the exit ´Brixen/Bruneck´ and drive through the ´Pustertal‘ (valley in the east of South Tyrol between Mühlbach and Austria) to Welsberg. Just after Welsberg turn right into the ´Pragsertal‘.
Take the main street of the valley and then turn right for ´Schmieden‘ (it is the west entrance). Our farm is immediately after the fire station.
If you come from the direction Lienz/Innichen (e.g. Tauern – motorway) turn just after Niederdorf left into the ´Pragsertal‘ and follow then the same way as explained above.by train
If you want to travel by train, your destination station is Welsberg.
The north/south railway line passes Innsbruck, the Brenner and Bozen. The interchange station is usually Franzensfeste/Fortezza. The east/west railway line passes Lienz and Innichen. From Welsberg you reach Schmieden/Prags easily by bus.apartments in Prags in the Dolomites
4 comfortable apartments